Take the Godly Music Test
Ever wonder if what you are allowing to be poured into your ears is helping you to be closer to God or causing you to feel farther away from Him? Is it waking up your spiritual faculties or shutting them down? Christian Berdahl, of Shepherd's Call Ministries has created a special way to put all music through the checkpoint, or filter, of your conscience. Are you aware that certain types of music act as an alcoholic beverage or trance would in essence, by putting the mind to sleep? Certain music leads the brain to go into "alpha rhythm" within 30 seconds of being doused by ear. The place where it especially affects the person is called the prefrontal cortex (the location in your brain where you judge right from wrong), and some believe that this area of the brain is the very special place where God can speak to our minds. Marketers understanding the powerful use of the medium of music suggest that their clients are able, simply with their choice of music, to successfully manipulate patrons into buying more of their products. Bars and nightclubs are very well acquainted with the effects of the type of music that will best encourage immoral behavior. (One can guess how few would go to these places if they were playing classical music or sacred hymns!) Shepherd's Call is a very educational site which I highly recommend that you visit. No doubt can remain after hearing the impressive array of research that music is not amoral; music in fact has a very powerful influence on our souls, either positive or negative, with temporary and long range effects on the nervous system, hormones, moods, and thinking process. Find out more about the powerful speaking agency of the "music bed," and how it's body language is affecting your thoughts, behavior, and personality!
Ever wonder if what you are allowing to be poured into your ears is helping you to be closer to God or causing you to feel farther away from Him? Is it waking up your spiritual faculties or shutting them down? Christian Berdahl, of Shepherd's Call Ministries has created a special way to put all music through the checkpoint, or filter, of your conscience. Are you aware that certain types of music act as an alcoholic beverage or trance would in essence, by putting the mind to sleep? Certain music leads the brain to go into "alpha rhythm" within 30 seconds of being doused by ear. The place where it especially affects the person is called the prefrontal cortex (the location in your brain where you judge right from wrong), and some believe that this area of the brain is the very special place where God can speak to our minds. Marketers understanding the powerful use of the medium of music suggest that their clients are able, simply with their choice of music, to successfully manipulate patrons into buying more of their products. Bars and nightclubs are very well acquainted with the effects of the type of music that will best encourage immoral behavior. (One can guess how few would go to these places if they were playing classical music or sacred hymns!) Shepherd's Call is a very educational site which I highly recommend that you visit. No doubt can remain after hearing the impressive array of research that music is not amoral; music in fact has a very powerful influence on our souls, either positive or negative, with temporary and long range effects on the nervous system, hormones, moods, and thinking process. Find out more about the powerful speaking agency of the "music bed," and how it's body language is affecting your thoughts, behavior, and personality!